I've slowly come to the realisation that there exist many universal truths - thoughts, ideas, and meditations that appear and reappear in our collective writings, teachings and even consciousness. Service to humanity; gratitude; a sense of self and purpose are just a few. Pity we seem to keep forgetting all the good ones!
These are the ideas that regardless of religious, political or moral orientation seem prevalent in the human psyche. We humans just keep coming back to them.
These Truths are all around us, if only you know where to look. They can be found in biographies, fables, novels and stories. In religious texts, historical events and even everyday cliches. When reading a passage, recalling a moment or penning a realisation - I aim to find, synthesise & categorise such Truths into a system I've developed. A system of Symbols.
I've come up with 15 or so phrases, [Read more...]