
My Top Books:

  • The Greatest Salesman In The World – Og Mandino
    A short book and an absolute treasure written as a parable. The book asks of its reader to read just one chapter a day, for 30 days as a way for the lessons of each short chapter to take root. I did just that, and for a fantastic 10 months, I spend the first 10 minutes of my day with what has become a dear book to me. Even more meaningful is to know that my father did the same thing 30 years earlier.
  • A Philosopher’s Notes – Brian Johnson
    I first came across Brian and his incredible site in 2014 and since then he has had a profound influence on my life!
    In this gem of a book, he distills the biggest ideas from top thinkers, authors and philosophers from centuries past in an easy to digest and fun way. I can’t recommend this book enough, even if it serves only as a gateway to all his other incredible work.
  • The Industries Of The Future – Alec Ross
    What. A. Book!
    In what seems to be a crystal ball of a book, Ross explores the industries that will drive the next 20 years of change in the following 6 chapters:
    1. Here Come the Robots, 2. The Future of the Human Machine, 3. The Code-ification of Money, Markets, and Trust, 4. The Weaponization of Code, 5. Data: The Raw Material of the Information Age, and 6. The Geography of Future Markets.
  • How To Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
    Would a list of this nature really be complete without Carnegie’s masterpiece?
    This is the Grandfather of all people-skills books and even though it was published way back in 1937, it is still just as relevant today. This book will teach you a lot.
  • Ready Player One – Ernest Cline
    As a nice escape from the mountains of non-fiction I had been reading at the time, I picked up Ready Player One as an escape. Little did I know the book would inspire, enlighten and stimulate a whole new set of ideas for me!
    My biggest takeaway from the book was the potential scope and promise of Virtual Reality and the real-world applications it could yield.

The Reading List:

  • Mr. Eternity – Aaron Thier
  • The How of Happiness – Sonja Lyubomirsky
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra
  • The Pursuit of Perfect – Tal Ben Shahar
  • Mastery – George Leonard
  • The Power of Ted – David Emerald
  • Constructive Living – David Reynolds
  • A Joseph Campbell companion – Joseph Campbell
  • The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari
  • The Story of Yiddish: How a Mish-Mosh Of Languages Saved the Jews – Neal Karlen
  • So good they can’t ignore you – Cal Newport
  • The Tiger – John Vaillant
  • Waking up – Sam Harris
  • Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
  • The Score Takes Care of Itself – Bill Walsh