For some, the destination of travel is less important than the cost. When I chose to travel to South East Asia, it was mostly because my currency was stronger than theirs and the cost of living was cheaper in their region meaning the 3 month holiday would be comparatively cheap for my currency. I planned the route and activities after this realisation and off I went to have a brilliant time with a very thin wallet.
Now imagine a website or app whereby you enter your home country and have it throw out a list of all the countries where it would be comparatively cheaper for you to travel to – taking into consideration the currency and cost of living figures for every country on earth.
So, a map of the world would appear:
- Green countries show where it is cheap for you to travel to.
- Yellow show where it is about the same cost of traveling as it would be around your own country.
- Red shows the countries that are more expensive to travel to.
By way of monetization – By clicking on a country, flight and hotel deals would pop up. Guide books, organised tours and adventure packages would be offered. A travel agency could be the title sponsor and you could partner with companies like Contiki or TopDeck. Mobile apps, paid links to “10 things to see in…” type articles and specials on cruises etc could be offered. You could even have a section to find places to volunteer or work.
A myriad of spinoff offers and services can be offered, all stemming from the initial affordability of being able to travel to that country.
Can someone please tell me where I can afford to travel and #StealThisIdea!